
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Viruses and the Brainstem

My daughter sent this article to me with the note: "Proving you right, one study at a time." The article is about chronic fatigue and its link to the murine leukemia virus.


This is a retro virus that the study found in 86.5% of those with chronic fatigue. Truthfully, this study has not been replicated at this time. However, I think one of the barriers to the analysis is that this virus is not the ONLY virus that can become retro and subtly or overtly attack the brainstem affecting the sensory-motor-reflex systems and therefore the physical and mental health of others.

Last year I met Dr. John Martin, who has worked as a pathologist at U of California on what he called "stealth viruses". He was at the time considered a fear monger and was put on leave at the University for challenging the existing blood reserves.

It has been my opinion for some time that retro or "stealth" viruses could be contributing to the waves of odd, vitality sapping syndromes we see, including, ME, CFS, EBS, and others. They may also, as Dr. Martin suggested play a role in other neurodevelopmental issues including PANDAS, autism and even schizophrenia. Until we find out, keeping our brainstem in the best of health is imperative.