
Monday, May 02, 2011

Tuning In and Out

Isn’t it interesting that tuning out can mean tuning in? If we tune out of
life’s environmental distractions to take stock of the internal environment
and our neurodevelopmental resources, we find gifts of health and awareness.
However, if we tune out our inner messengers and focus only on the outer world,
we can miss important messages. When we miss these messages, our interior
and neurodevelopmental resources must get our attention through physical,
mental and emotional means that are not always pleasant.

The rhythm of life requires inbreathing and outbreathing. There needs
to be a balance of tuning in and reaching out in our lives. Take time to
tune in during physical exercise, prayer, eating and other sensory experiences.
Examine how reaching out into the exterior environment affects the other spheres.
The essence of our being is life fully experienced in the inner and outer world
through each step of our human development.

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